US Mountain Ranger Association

Promoting fellowship & brotherhood among US Army Rangers
Charles Keith

Charles Walker (Preacher) Keith was born on September 2, 1957 near Jackson, Kentucky. He passes away on August 12, 2013, while working as contracted role-playing OPFOR for troops pre-deployment training at Ft. Dix, NJ.

Chuck served with 1st BN (Ranger) 75th INF from the mid 70's - 1984. He participated in Operation Eagle Claw and Operation Urgent Fury. The young Ranger served in all three line companies and was also a Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) instructor. He graduated USMC Scout-Sniper School where the instructors raved about his performance. During the Grenada invasion, Chuck was the senior sniper from Charlie Company.

Ranger Keith was a legend and always the funniest guy in the room. Chuck earned the nickname Preacher because he would preach every chance he could. He would have a full church service if he had the time. He would read from his Ranger Handbook. "Today's reading will be from the book of Ambush, Chapter 1, Security!" Then have a sermon about a Ranger topic. He would end with a prayer about "doing the Lord's bidding and killing the Godless Communist" and praying "for our bullets to fly true and find their targets."

Chuck served with 2nd Ranger Company/5th RTB 1984-1988,where he served on the Mountaineering Committee. Ranger Keith deployed during Operation Desert Shield/Storm with the 1st Inf Div LURSU. During his time in the unit, soldiers worshipped him as a leader and a trainer. During the early 90's, Chuck server with the 101st Airborne as a team leader in the Pathfinder Company, Chief Instructor at the Air Assault School.

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