US Mountain Ranger Association

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Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Bob Bischoff


Calm down guys!! On 9 Feb Ron Rice's post was a request for information on how to nominate Col Palmer for the fallen Ranger Memorial. He is peeved because no one responded to his question after it was posted. I guess that there is no mechanism in place to answer questions on this site.

This is partially my fault since Ron asked me how to go about nominating a Ranger for this honor. I told him that I wasn't certain and that if he posted his request on this site, someone would answer. So much for ASSUMPTION! Bob

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Bob Bischoff


Nice article in the North Georgia News (Blairsville, GA) newspaper this week about Tom Wilburn receiving a "Quilt of Valor." The article didn't mention Tom being a RHOF inductee. Kudos to Tom. (If I can remember, I will bring the article to our April meeting. RLTW

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Joey B King

Message: Ranger Kris Kristopherson's uniform is on display at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville through Feb 14 2021 in their "Outlaws and Armadillos" exhibit

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Doug Perry

Message: I am back in the saddle again, had to go and get flushed out again.Amie and Mike Flack thanks for checking on me.Everybody that can come out and help us with the Easter egg hunt on Sat Mar. 22nd we will meet at 0930 or 1000 hrs at the Sling Rope, Sat morning we need help in cooking and hiding little eggs .Al Parton and Pee Wee will be cooking. The girls from Hooters will be ther helping hide eggs and WHATEVER. RLTW. Doug...

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Bill Miller

Message: Joe Mattison, Please contact me at either my email address or phone me at 803-292-2571 concerning Mike Martins books.

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